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Corps Cocktails / September 28

Corps Cocktails / A Case for Collaboration / A Dose of Reality Campaign
Thursday, September 28, 5:30-8:00pm
Underexposed Studios

436 Cerrillos Rd. (between Montezuma and Manhattan)

Join us Thursday, September 28, for Corps Cocktails!

At this Corps Cocktail event, we highlight a collaborative project between Design Corps members and demonstrate how multiple disciplines can intersect on any type of project.

Alex Hanna, Invisible City Designs, Lynn Komer, PK Public Relations, and Cynthia Beauclair and Ricardo Barros of Little Big Bang Studios discuss their Gold Davey Award-Winning  Dose of Reality Campaigns — highlighting the Telenovela inspired El Opio Drama.

This Case for Collaboration event demonstrates the importance of collaboration between creative professionals — not only to achieve exceptional results — but to build valuable business relationships.

Note regarding parking: Please do not park in the Design Center parking lot. You may park in the lot directly in front of Underexposed Studios or on the street.

Reserve your spot by sending your RSVP here!
Suggested $5 donation at the door in support of Design Corps’ programming.

PK Public Relations developed the “Dose of Reality” public health campaign to address the rising mortality overdose rates in New Mexico and bring awareness to teens about the dangers of prescription painkillers. Reaching at-risk audiences, the messages of prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery are conveyed in an informative and engaging way. These successful campaigns have previously covered topics including safe use, storage and disposal, and use of naloxone to prevent overdose deaths. As a part of their current campaign, we were asked to produce a 30-second animated ad that explains the important of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) in aiding the treatment of opioid addiction.