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Adobe Creative Jam comes to Santa Fe

The Design Corps, along with ASMP New Mexico and AIGA New Mexico, had the unique opportunity to host an Adobe Creative Jam at CCA. Adobe Creative Jam is an ongoing event series that travels the nation, local creative leaders share a behind the scenes peek into their processes and projects while teams compete in a tournament that puts their creative skills to the test using Adobe Creative Cloud.

Several Design Corps Members and Ambassadors participated in this event, either as tournament participants, presenters, or judges, including Lacey Adams, James Johnson, Patrick Iverson, Chris Philpot, Ryder Doty, Bob Borden, Gabriella Marks, Kristin Carlson, Nicole RassmusonSteffany Hollinsworth, and Lauren Tresp. Lacey Adams and James Johnson walked away with the Judges’ Choice Award while Ryder Doty came in a close 2nd, and Chris Philpot took home the People’s Choice Award, congratulations everyone! You can check all of the work below!

We want thank all of you who participated, this was a great opportunity for our creative community to come together and experience the design and photography talent that Santa Fe has to offer!

View Adobe Creative Jam Winners